I recently installed Tamino on SuSE 7.1 and created an empty database within the Tamino Manager. The database is started and in apache’s httpd.conf is an entry like this:
<location tamino/testdb> SetHandler ino Host pc01.ixware Port 3203
When I now try to access testdb in a browser window (“http://pc01.ixware/tamino/testdb”) from another PC the following message is returned by Tamino:
<?xml version="1.0" ?> <ino:response xmlns:ino=“http://namespaces.softwareag.com/tamino/response2”> <ino:message ino:returnvalue=“8201”> <ino:messagetext ino:code=“INOXHE8201”>Can’t connect to server on host pc01.ixware at port 3203, TCP error code 111.</ino:messagetext> </ino:message> </ino:response>
What does this mean? Is this a network problem (Win2K network with DNS server) or is there something misconfigured in Tamino?
I am having a similar connection problem. However, I’m trying to load a well-formed xml document into an existing database in tamino. I’m trying to load the document through Tamino Interactive Interface. I specify the location of the document in the Process textbox and hit Process and get the following error:
<?xml version="1.0" ?> - <ino:response xmlns:ino=“http://namespaces.softwareag.com/tamino/response2”> - <ino:message ino:returnvalue=“8201”> <ino:messagetext ino:code=“INOXHE8201”>Can’t connect to server on host localhost at port 3204, TCP error code 10061.</ino:messagetext> </ino:message> </ino:response>