Configuring Default Timeout of Target SPM While Installing the Product or Fixes Using CCE

When we install large number of fixes using Command central composite template, installation might fail due to timeout as the default time is not always enough to install fixes. 
CCE waits for 10 minutes to verify whether the target SPM is started or not [If we are using 10.3 Fix 4 and above CCE will be 30 minutes]. We can increase this time using either command central UI or using composite template.

Using Command Central UI:

While bootstrapping command central we need to add below configuration to increase SPM waiting time.

1. In Command Central navigate to CCE -> Configuration page.
2. In Java System properties, add configuration:<miliseconds>
3. Restart Command Central.

Example for 60 minutes:

Using Composite Template:

Clone the sagdevops-cc-server git-hub project:

  1. git clone
  2. Open templates/sag-cc-tuneup/template.yaml file
  3. Edit configuration for timeout.status.node.seconds
    Example: timeout.status.node.seconds = 3600
  4. Navigate to %CCEInstallationDir%/CommandCentral/client/bin folder and run below commands:
    1. sagcc exec templates composite import -i /home/svtuser/sagdevops-templates/templates/sag-cc-tuneup/template.yaml
    2. sagcc exec templates composite apply sag-cc-tuneup
    3. Restart Command central