Install Patches using Command Central UI


This article describes detail steps to install patches using command central for webMethods. The bootstraped CCE used in this article are for webMethods Product version 10.3.


  • Minimum Knowledge of Command Central.
  • A new Linux machine. Preferably RHEL with JAVA(java 1.8+) installed
  • Apache Ant 1.9+,  Git Client
  • Software AG products installation

Steps to install patches using Command Central

Bootstrapping Command Central:

Command Central needs a SPM to manage installation. The process of installing the SPM is called bootstrapping.

The bootstrapper also automatically installs Platform Manager and the Command Central command line interface (CLI), as well as all latest fixes that are available for Command Central and SPM.

Command to install Bootstrap CCE:

Download latest bootstrap installer using:

curl -O<latest installer file>

Execute: <latest installer file> --accept-license -d <CCE install dir> -p <password> -C <CCE https port> -c <CCE http port> -S <SPM https port> -s <SPM http port>


curl -O

chmod +x

./ --accept-license -d /home/svtuser/CCE -p manage123 -C 8201 -c 8200 -S 8203 -s 8202

Once the installation completed, we can access command central using URL specified in console.

Adding Credentials to Command Central:

To install patches from command central UI, credentials need to be configured to access repositories.

We can add credentials using command central.

In Command Central UI navigate to Command Central Server.

In Configuration select Credentials, and add new credentials details.

Adding Repositories to Command Central:

When we need to install patch we need to configure the patch repository from which we will be downloading patch.

In Command Central UI navigate to Repositories link.

In fixes tab, Click on + link and select “Connect to SoftwareAG Repositories”

Add new Repositories details.

Install Patches using Command Central UI:

With Command Central UI, we can install patches for WebMethods product.

In Command Central, Add Installation in Installations tab.

Click on the newly added Installation and Navigate to Fixes tab.

Click Install fixes or support patch and select “Install Support Patch”

Select Repository name in Install from drop down.

Enter patch key and click on fetch button. It list support patch available in repository. We can verify readme for any given patch using View Readme.

Click Finish to install patch.

Once the patch installation started we can verify status in Jobs list.

Once the job is successfully completed, we can verify installed fixes in Command Central UI.