Communication between BUS and BPM impossible


I created BUS process which gets XML file, at the end I implemented a JMS publish to which publishes stream into the Queue. Then I implemented a BPM process workflow which must load the xml file since the Queue in order to run BPM process and debugging it. The load is OK but the process of debug not works, I think the BPM is not able to consume the XML file into the Queue. I am locked at this step since some days.

Could you help me please to solve this defect?
It is possible to find the documentation which explains the communication process between BUS and BPM?


Hello All,

I want execute my process when I build and upload for execution the process is works as below:

Build of process “TestSAGBPM” started at Mon Dec 09 20:25:08 CET 2013
Warning: Task step “Validate” is not configured to use a task type. Step ID: “S35”
Generate dead path for un-synchronized joins: false
Checking database for prior build and upload of process: “TestSAGBPM” version: “1”
Retrieving previous build information for process: “TestSAGBPM” version: “1”
Testing connection for Integration Server “IntegServ”
Process “TestSAGBPM” has been previously built. Any changes to the flows in this version will be reflected below.
Updating input signature for mapping service for task “Send Message”. Verify the data mappings in the generated service, as it might be broken. Step ID: “S37”
Updating output signature mapping service for task/event “Send Message”. Verify the data mappings in the generated service, as it might be broken. Step ID: “S37”
Updating input signature for mapping service for task “Validate”. Verify the data mappings in the generated service, as it might be broken. Step ID: “S35”
Updating output signature mapping service for task/event “Validate”. Verify the data mappings in the generated service, as it might be broken. Step ID: “S35”
Generating triggers for “TestSAGBPM”…
Generating transition trigger for process “TestSAGBPM” Integration Server “IntegServ”
Generating subscription trigger for process “TestSAGBPM” Integration Server “IntegServ”
Generating EDA Assets for “TestSAGBPM”…
Generating process engine fragments for process “TestSAGBPM”
Generating process engine fragment for Integration Server “IntegServ”
Saving process engine fragment for Integration Server “IntegServ”
Saving build information for process: “TestSAGBPM” version: “1” to database…
Checking Quality of Service settings for previous generation of process: “TestSAGBPM”.
Build of process “TestSAGBPM” completed successfully at Mon Dec 09 20:25:48 CET 2013
Upload for execution of process “TestSAGBPM” completed successfully.
Restoring Quality of Service settings from previous values for process: “TestSAGBPM”.

The problem occured when I want to be debugged then nothing.
I see into myWebmethods server on Business Process link I have the following informations:

Process Name ==> Execution enabled “true” and USED “No”, then I want to know what operation to be done in order to change the status of USED to “YES” and I see the process in Process Instances with status “started” or “completed”?
Could you help me please?

Thanks for your help.

Hello Brice,

Whenever a process instance is created, the Used flag will change to true.

I’m not totally getting what you want to do, but I assume you want to start a process model with JMS trigger. If that’s the case, there are specific naming conventions in which you need to create couple of queues. I’ve seen it but not implemented them.

Do let me know if you need more help.


Hello Mani,

Indeed, I want to publish in the Queue a file and run the process created with differents activities, when I execute the debug nothing work. I not see the process instances within myWebmethods.
If is possible for you to help me, I am very glad. Then could you give me any explanations or tutorial regarding the exchange between Bus via JMS and listener of BPM which executes the process exactly.
Thanks for your help.



Hello Mani,

What is the specic naming conventions in which I must create the couple of the queues? Could you send me details or this tutorial please?



Hi All,

Now I have to deploy successful my process from JMS until BPM then I have another defect.

I want to run my Process but I have these stack traces on the server which allow not the running successful of process. You can see the attached logs.

Could you help me please.


LogMW.txt (2.05 KB)
logProcess.txt (11.8 KB)

What service did you use to send document to kick start the process? You have to use pub.prt.jms:send service. Refer to administering process engine guide for more details on this service…



yes, I use the pub.prt.jms:send service for sending Document.



Hello All,

I have the following defect on mywebmethods when I deployed the process:

Failed to evaluate binding expression: “#{activePageBean.drilldownJS}”

Remote Exception caught: electric.util.WrappedException: Read timed out

You can see the screen shot attached file.

When I want to see the Process Instances > Process Instance Detail I got this result after spend some time.

Could you help me to solve that.

Thanks for your support.


Doc1.docx (117 KB)

Hello Brice,

Maybe you can do some archiving working and clean up the database. And after that, you can try to configure how long MWS waits for a response. You can do the following:

  1. In My webMethods: Monitoring > Integration > B2B > User Preferences.
  2. In the Web Service Timeout field, which is in the General panel, specify the number of seconds that My webMethods Server should wait for a response from a Trading Networks Web service. The default is 60 seconds. Try setting this value to 180.
  3. Click Save.
