I am trying t o create JMS connection alias using the Connection factory I created in the Nirvana enterprise manager and getting the following error when I am trying to enable.
com.wm.app.b2b.server.jms.JMSSubsystemException: [ISS.0134.9064] Error creating connection: javax.jms.JMSException: Realm is currently not reachable: Realm was still unreachable after retry count
To give an overview, we do have an existing connection factory which is working with out any issues, if I am referring to that connection factory it is working fine with out any issues. But here I am trying to use the newly created one which is giving me the above error. Read some where it has been mentioned once you create connection factory we need to do the following step:
nClient.jar and nJMS.jar from Nirvana/lib to IntegrationServer/lib/jars and then Restarted IS
I am wondering is it that do we need to do every time we create a new connection factory?
No I didn’t do it as I am under the impression that we don’t need to do it as it is one time thing. What I mean is, when I am creating the connection factory in the Nirvana Enterprise Manager and going back to the IS Admin console and clicked on the JNDI settings I have the JNDI provider Alias and when i click test run I can see the connection factory I created is listed there. Like I mentioned, since it is already listing I was under the impression that I don’t need to do the copy jars and restart the IS. Not sure as I am new to this.
Actually, when I created the Connection factory in the Nirvana Enterprise Manager i think it took the default host name instead of the server name I am looking on. So i went and deleted the existing one and created a new and made sure it is pointing to the right server URL and created JMS alias with out any issues. I would like to update and share the information.