Hello Folks
Im trying to find a way to clear the DDIC-cache in SAP adapter using any inbuilt or custom services so that I can schedule the process every week or so to avoid clearing the cache whenever there is a change in any of the idocs we receive/post.
There was a custom package that was available in the code sample section named Admin Utils, but some of the services it uses arent available by default in the IS packages list.
Can anyone provide some suggestions/pointers to achieve what I require?
Thanks in Advance
I had worked on SAP Adapter long time say past 3 years back for one of the reputed client. We do not clear the data dico cache by running a service but we do it via the SAP Adapter page.
Can you check if the service wm.sap.Cache:clear fits your need.
Thanks Mahesh
I found the solution.
wm.sap.Cache:listIDocs - lists cache when we provide the system id.
wm.sap.Cache:removeIDoc - removes the cache if we provide system id,idoc type and cimtype.
These 2 services can be used in tandem to list all the cached idocs for a particular system id and the latter can be used to clear them one by one based on the details fetched by the former service and by providing the system id for which these idocs have to be cleared.
Thank you
please note that these services are internal services and are not documented in the Users Guide.
These services can change without notice.
As mentioned these are internal API services of SAG however you can test it rigorously before moving it to prod. Once it hits the prod take extra care while applying fixes on SAP Adapter, IS or ART related fixes (readme file should give you about the issues/changes done) and also while you upgrade from version to version.