Cannot load database driver: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver cannot be found by com.webmethods.caf.server_10.5.0.0000-0232

I am using webMethods 10.5 version and I am not able to start the MWS.I have configured mysql community edition server when specifiying the database for MWS.The mws.db file in mws/server looks like this.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<CONNECTION default="true" displayname="Default" id="1" name="default" type="mysql">
		<!-- Password could be specified in clear text, it will be automatically encrypted during MWS startup -->
        <!-- Max amount of idle time (in seconds) of the objects pooled by this pool -->
        <!-- Time (in seconds) between eviction runs -->

Is it the problem of driver or configuration file.Do I need to do any extra configurations?Please help me I am stuck with this configuration for quite a while now

Have you configured the driver as per:
Have a nice day!

I have changed as per the documentation you shared but still getting the same error.And also what would be the default mws serverName?

check if the driver jar file is present in the following file:
if it is not there there is something wrong with the configuration of the driver.

The default MWS instance name is: default.

Yes it is present in that file.

I also see you are using:
jdbc:wm:mysql// in the URL however you are using the native driver, can you change it to: jdbc:mysql?

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Can you analayze the build,mws.db and log file.I am attching here.Still getting the same errordeploy.xml (80.2 KB) mws.db.xml (1.2 KB) bundles.txt (70.4 KB) deploy.xml (80.2 KB) mws.db.xml (1.2 KB)

you are now missing a : in your URL:

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