The below error is encountered while trying to fetch the control number from EDIControlNumber table. java.sql.SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException: [wm-cjdbc40-0034][Oracle JDBC Driver][Oracle]ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into (“WMTN”.“EDICONTROLNUMBER”.“SENDERID”)
The SenderID, ReceiverID etc are being passed in the input to the service fetching the control Number.
Also, the Partner IDs are set-up for Control Number generation on MWS.
Can any one please help identify the cause for this issue.
The service executed is “wm.b2b.editn.batch:getControlNumber” to which the required inputs - TNsenderID, TNreceiverID, standard, type, update, prodMode and version - are being passed. The control number generated is used as the ICN# in the oubound EDI document generated. Please let me know if there is any other I can provide.
The control number generation is configured in MWS as the feature in wM EDI module 8.0 is deprecated. The service is used to fetch the control number from the wmTN data base (EDICONTROLNUMBER table). Also, one thing as you mentioned, I noticed today is there were duplicate entries present for the given Sender/Receiver combination. However, was not sure if that could be cause for this issue. Will try deleting the duplicate set-ups tomorrow and testing the process again.
I also faced the same issue in WM9.0 and was able to fix by adding the configuration parameter EDIAllowCustomControlNumberSequences = strictCompatibility in the file properties.cnf. This file is located under WMEDI\Config folder. You may have to re-load the package after changing the property. Hope it will help you if your issue is still exists.