I tried installing webMethods in ubuntu. It is installed but how I know it is completely?
I tried to run [sudo ./BeforeInstallAsRoot.sh], it ran without error message.
Then [/sudo ./AfterInstallAsRoot.sh] gave me an error [ERROR: script_2 for e2ei/11/MWS_10. failed (1)]
I am including the installLog and components I have installed of webMethods.
I am also including the log message when I ran the [sudo ./afterInstallAsRoot.sh] script.
Kindly figure out a way to progess. This is first time I came across any tool and after researching, I choose softwareag webMethods but I don’t wanna leave ubuntu.
With best regards,
Akshya Singh
components.txt (4.95 KB)
installLog.txt (197 KB)
afterInstallAsRootLog.txt (14 KB)