Webmethods Free trial installation failure for Integration Server

Product/components used and version/fix level:

webMethods 10.15 Free Trial

Detailed explanation of the problem:

The install failed during the Integration Server product updates. How should I proceed?

Error messages / full error message screenshot / log file:

14:57:37 error APP_ERROR> ISLauncher: Could not create IS instance(s).
Reason: Error Creating IS instance. IS Instance name: ‘default’:
[reinstallFixes] The reinstall of fixes in ‘C:\SoftwareAG10’ is not successful. Please specify image path or empower credentials as an input.

C:\SoftwareAG10\IntegrationServer\instances\is_instance.xml:1220: The reinstall of fixes in ‘C:\SoftwareAG10’ is not successful. Please specify image path or empower credentials as an input.

Total time: 7 minutes 58 seconds

14:57:37 error APP_ERROR> ISLauncher: Could not create profile IS_default for product Missing ISLauncher.displayName. Reason: Could not create instance IS_default.
14:57:37 critical UpdateACDLPropertiesFile.installExecute()

Question related to a free trial, or to a production (customer) instance?

Short answer to your question, you can disable the updates and run update manager after finishing the installation. Installer doesn’t need to update the environment during the installation. In order to keep the installation clean though, I recommend deleting/uninstalling the previous installation first.

If update manager fails as well, then we need to see the update manager logs.

FYI, you can review the SAGInstaller install logs from the wm installation directory {webmethodsRootInstallDir}/installlogs/installLog.txt and in the {update manager root directory}/UpdateManager/logs/ directory. They will have usefull information. If none of these works, please share them as well. You can mask any confidential info.

installLog.txt (324.5 KB)
I checked the install log, but the errors did not lead me to a solution. I am attaching it here. I installed several components what is a clean way to remove the installation completely before reinstalling without doing the updates?

Its in {webMethodsRootDir}/bin directory or in add remove program (windows) depending on your OS. I don’t directly recommend but you can also delete the directory all together if uninstall is not an option.The part that is failing is not installer, installer runs the update manager after finishing the installation but it usually fails for different reasons then installer.

So if you want to trouble shoot, you should check update manager logs, not installer logs. There is a check box in the installer you can uncheck. It before starting the installation. You are probably overlooking but instead you should read what the installer shows you. It literally asks you if you want to install the updates.