can not start database on Red Hat Linux 8.0!!! HELP!!!

After installing tamino 4.1.4 on red hat linux 8.0,
and starting the database “welcome_4_1_4” with following error:
ARGEVE0803 Could not connect to System Management Hub Events Layer Service, service not running.

What should i do?

??? ???

use “ps -ef | grep SAG”
SAG 796 1 0 21:06 ? 00:00:00 ./argevsrv -pid /home/SAG/common/arg/var/argevsrv.lock -e
SAG 813 1 0 21:06 ? 00:00:00 /home/SAG/ino/v4141/bin/dbstartinov414 object_id=\localhost\Tamino\Databases -mode=r
SAG 828 1 0 21:06 ? 00:00:00 ./argsrv -pid /home/SAG/common/arg/var/argsrv.lock
SAG 843 1 0 21:06 ? 00:00:00 ./argmlsrv -pid /home/SAG/common/arg/var/argmlsrv.lock
SAG 855 1 0 21:06 ? 00:00:00 ./xtsdsdmn -name XTSDIR -port 12731 -directory INIDIR -dirparms file=/home/SAG/commo

??? ???