I install WebMethod 10.3 version free trial on windows 10 operating system and Sotware AG my webmethod server 10.3(default)(1) service started. But, the web http://localhost:8585/ shows can not be displayed.
I looked for the log files at location : C:\SoftwareAG\MWS\server\default\logs , but errors.xml does not have any error.
There are some configurations you might be missing.
1> Run DCC and install the product/component for MWS
2> Bring the IS up and make sure the WmMonitor home page is configured with correct details of MWS
3> Check users, groups and acls if you see all MWS releated artifacts
4> Go to user management and check if Central User is configured.
5> Check SAML url on the settings>resources page
Were you able to resolve your startup issue? For a new install startup process takes substantial time loading & initializing all the OSGI packages. Check you wrapper.log for Inside activate() statement. That is when you should be able to login to port 8585.
Can you enable tcp/ip and Name Pipes if using SQL Server,
Then execute Database Component Configurator (DCC) component and product. => Start services My Webmethod please waiting about 5 min services start complete.