CAF portlet connection issue

Hi All,

I have run into an issue when i moved my CAF portlet project to a clustered environment.
in the MWS i set the wsclient end point address for my portlet project.

when i specify the end point of one of the IS server the portlet works fine, but when i use the LB host name and port it doent work. I tried to invoke the service in the browser using the LB it worked but not working in the portlet.

Since i’m using a different port on the LB is it not able to get the web service ?
Any idea on how to solve the issue ?

I’m using wM 9.5

My Set up-

web service end point URL: #{environment[“wsclient-endpointAddress”]}/ws/xxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxx_WSD

wsclient-endpointAddress :

Not working:
wsclient-endpointAddress :


Can you describe the error you receive? The information provided is too vague for any meaningful analysis.

Hi Kiran,

More description will help us understand the issue better.

Please share the error you are getting.
Have you checked the endpoint you have configured in “CAF Runtime configuration” in MWS?

Were are you specifying the endpoint of IS to test ?