Hello, I am a new user and this is my first post.
I tried to improve the webMethods internal performance by migrating its components to the DD type 5. However the jars are bundled the way to complicate this effort enormously for the internal functionality, probably for the purpose of preventing exactly those efforts. Guess more to that in OEM license.
However I tried to make wM to work with DataDirect Type JDBC 5 driver, and started with IS using two approaches:
Copying the Type 5 MS SQL jar (sqlserver.jar) into ‘SoftwareAG\common\lib\ext’ and changing the driver/pools configuration replacing sl53_cj42.jar.
Extending the DataDirect class (SQLServerDriver) to one with the same name but in the default package leaving the configuration unchanged. Replacing the mentioned sl53_cj42.jar with the Type 5 MS SQL jar bundled with its wrapper class below.
package com.wm.dd.jdbc.sqlserver;
public class SQLServerDriver extends com.ddtek.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver {}
In both cases the same wM proprietary classloader exception occurred which I could not debug because the failing method does not have diagnostic defined in it.
ClassNotFoundException at 464 in com.wm.app.b2b.server.ServerClassLoader.
It can find the class only whithin sl53_cj42.jar.
Thank you for sharing your views