Batching of an ASN is not happening in the envelope


Our Scenario is:

          Our ERP system sends shipnotices(ASN's) in a flat file form to webmethods, and webmethods converts these flatfile to EDI Document and them batch it to an X12 Envelope and send to customer....but the problem is when our erp system sends more then one ASN at a time webmethods is able to convert this flatfile to EDI and when batching these edi's we can see only one load number in this and the second one is missing...i can see the error as [B]XMLCoder decode invalid data type: com.wm.util.tspace.ReservationInputStream ...[/b]could anyone let us know what does this mean...

We are using 8.2 version sp1 …

It’s very urgent to resolve this error…

Where are you seeing this error in the ActivityLog or error log?

Also Is the batch setup working in the lower level environment?

Do have this extended setting in place for tspace?

watt.server.tspace.location = /your disk path


I see the above log in server log…Yeah batch is working in the lower level environment

We had the above mentioned extended setting…


Is the issue happens in the cluster nodes?

Did you check what else missing in your batch setup vs dev/qa and does your prod has all the fixes there in lower level environments?


We have not clustered our IS, and we have EDI fix in old environment WmEDI_6-5-2_Fix14, and this is not installed in our new environment.

Please contact SAG support in the case of 8.2.1 and if they can provide the fix replacement?

So your lower level environment is not 8.2 SP1 and why you are comparing to old environment?