Technical hint for the Adabas Statistics Facility (ASF)
There are various possibilities that a database reaches critical values:
- short on storage (e.g. file DS used > 80 %)
- running out of extents
- 3-byte ISN used for a file and Top ISN is close to possible maximum
- high water marks (pool usage) close to maximum
- a.m.m.
How can a DBA handle this?
- Wait until the users tell him ‘Houston, we have got a problem!’
- Check regularly the current status of the databases and files which can be very time consuming.
- Use the ASF Critical Report and check the output.
- Let ASF send him a mail when a critical value is reached.
What do I have to do to get that mail alert?
- First you need the Adabas Statistics Facility (ASF).
- In ASF a Critical Report must be defined which specifies the ‘critical’ values.
- Mark the output medium ‘PC-File’ with ‘E’ and save the Critical Report as predefined evaluation.
- Specify the mail recipient in the e-Mail profile.
- Critical Reports usually run as batch jobs initiated by a system scheduler.
- Add a SMTP step to that job, use the workfile 1 of the critical report as input to the SMTP.
- Check your in-basket
:idea: Adabas Statistics Facility, the long-term Adabas monitor for production environments with NO impact on the overall database performance!