ApplinX Version 8 and VS.Net 2008


I have tried installing the ApplinX add-in with VS.Net 2008 Professional Trial Edition but it does not work - I get an error saying “webMethods ApplinX VS.NET Addin requires Visual Studio for installation. Please install Visual…”

The documentation says that the add-in supports VS 2005 and above.
What can I do to get the add-in installed in VS 2008?

Thank in advance.

Hi Yuben,

ApplinX 8.0 partially supports .NET VS2008. The .NET Plug-in and the new website .NET wizard templates will be supported only from version 8.1.
Currently for using VS 2008 you should create a blank website and copy the ApplinX Web Application from ApplinX installation.
Please refer in the documentation at: [b]Creating a webMethods ApplinX Web Application

Thanks for your response.

Two more questions:

  1. When are you expecting to release v8.1?
  2. Is there another way to ‘Generate Procedure Client’ from a procedure group? This is currently available when right clicking (in VS 2005) on a procedure group.


Hi Yuben,

  1. ApplinX 8.1 is going to be release with the webMethods 8.0 suite. FCS in June, GA in September
  2. You can generate only with the .NET add-in. I recommend to you to work with VS2005 until the add-in will be supported for VS2008

Best Regards,