I hold ApplinX 9.9 along with IE 11.
Some how ApplinX designer is not allowing me to create web procedure by throwing “Need IE 7/8” which means IE 11 is not compatible with ApplinX 9.9 or viceversa.
What needs to be done to make it compatible as i can’t go for previous versions.
Only the web procedure recording requires IE 7, 8 or 9. This is a limitation of the web page integration recording only. The resulting procedures can be used in any supported browser (which includes IE 11).
Douglas is right, the current limitation of using IE9 is just for the recording process. Runtime should work fine with newer browsers.
Can you tell us a little more about your Web Procedure needs?
This is very interesting for us and we would like to know about this project and of course help if we can.
You can email me directly on this Gadi.benedek@softwareag.com.
I’m not sure about your use-case, taking a screenshot isn’t supported but scraping content from a web page is possible using APX9.9.
You can contact me directly to discuss this further.
I have good news for you today.
Starting with the April 2017 release we plan to support MS Explorer 11 as well for the development environment (recording process like mentioned).
So if you like to use IE 11, you need to upgrade to ApplinX version 10.0 (available end of April 2017).