Software AG is pleased to announce the general availability of webMethods OneData 8.4.
This release includes numerous new features and enhancements, including the following:
Data Quality Functionality enhancements
- New DQ Server Type
- Matching enhancements
- Multi table gold model
- Survivorship (merging) enhancements
- Data Quality Inbox
Data Manager enhancements
- Support for high volume of named users
- Workflow enhancements
- Deep links to webMethods OneData objects
- Boolean column display options
- Conceptual Object enhancements
- Flex Mode
Suite Integration
- webMethods OneData on SAG Installer
- webMethods OneData on Database Component Configurator
API enhancements
- REST API changes
- Java Hook API changes
You can learn more about this release by reading the latest documentation in the webMethods OneData section of the Software AG Documentation website at
Best regards,
Software AG Product Management