Anyone know of a way to mount a UNIX filesystem to the WebDAV server ? I use WebDrive (FKA WebIFS) to map WebDAV to a drive letter on Windows 2000, so I am looking for similar functionality on UNIX.
Hello Steve,
I know of:
but never tried it yet.
Did someone tried this already?
Best regards
Have you considered using Samba on the Unix box. This allows you to share parts of your Unix filesystem with Windows networks.
Hello Steve,
We downloaded version davfs-0.2.4 from and compiled it on a Linux box [There was a single line we had to put into a comment in order to compile]. After this change we were able to mount a Tamino WebDAV Server successfully to a file directory and use it within the file system, e.g. touch, copy, vi, ls, etc.
Best regards
I’ve just installed davfs-0.2.4 on the environment above but it doesn’t work. I followed the installation steps but:
1. “make” and “make install” finished with 2 errors
2. /usr/local/ssl doesn’t exist but /usr/ssl does. Even more it doesn’t compile
3. I tried to mount mountfs as follows:
mount.davfs /dav -u hunkim -p 1234
Can somebody tell me what am I doing wrong?
1. kernel 2.4.0-4GB
2. I inserted /usr/local/sbin as requested in the howto.html
could you please post the messages from ./configure and make.
You could also try to create it with out the --with-ssl flag.
Best regards