We’ve had reports of performance issues from the programmers using the Software AG Designer perspectives for both the NaturalONE and Service Development perspectives.
We tried adjusting some of the buffers you see displayed in your Eclipse messaging until we bumped up the buffers to the lowest higher value for which we saw improvement in the performance.
Originally the Software AG Designer was installed with:
These buffers are stored in the Software AG Designer eclipse framework file: C:\SoftwareAG_v10_11\Designer\eclipse\eclipse.ini, where ‘SoftwareAG_v10_11’ is the value of your specific install directory.
We had our programmers update these buffers to the following values:
Seeing what you messages are, I’d recommend first just bumping up your Xms256m value to Xms1024m and see if that resolves the issue. If not, then I’d bump these buffers up little by little until you get the improvement you need.