XTS and native TCP/IP for Apache <-> Tamino

  • What exactally is needed to configure a webserver to
    use TCP/IP or XTS to communicate to a Tamino XML Server
    As I know:
    1)put lines in following format:
    <Location /tamino/mydb>
    SetHandler ino
    Host xyz.abc.de
    Port 4711

    into httpd.conf and restart the apache, the web server
    will use native TCP/IP to connect to Tamion server
    2)runing x-port installation on the webserver machine, which will put
    lines in following format:
    ## BEGIN Software AG, Tamino
    # added at Fri Nov 22 15:01:15 MET 2002
    Include “…/X_Port/Apache2_64/TaminoApache.conf”
    ## END Software AG, Tamino
    in httpd.conf, and with the /etc/hosts configured with appropriated lines,
    it will use XTS.

    My Question is: Am I right with above. And what if I have both configured,
    which one(XTS or native TCP/IP) will be used?(Suppose the Tamino server is
    configured to accept both TCP/IP and XTS)

Am I right with above


> if I have both configured, which one(XTS or native TCP/IP) will be used?

Tamino’s Apache interface uses following algorithm to locate the desired Tamino server:
1. If the used URL is mapped to a Tamino server (e.g. “<Location /tamino/mydb>” in your sample),
then it forwards the request to this Tamino server via native TCP/IP.
2. If the used URL is NOT mapped to a Tamino server (only generic mapping for “<Location /tamino>”, then it uses XTS to locate a server with the correct name and forwards the request to this Tamino server via XTS.
3. If XTS communication (see step 2) fails, then it looks into the (local) registry; if a Tamino server with the correct name is contained, then it forwards the request to this Tamino server via TCP/IP.