WmSOAPSamples "certified sample" available on Advantage

Technical Article originally posted as Article ID: 1614320180

WM created the WmSOAPSamples package in April 2008 to demonstrate several of the new features of the IS 7.1.x web services / SOAP functionality.

The “readme” file for this package is a Word document and is available at this link. The readme describes the functionality of WmSoapSamples.zip package which can be downloaded only from Advantage.

Here is an excerpt from the Word document:

Is there 9.5 version of SOAP/WS Sample package ?

hai friends,

I am using Integration server 8.0. while iam creating WSD(provider) using WSDL url iam getting an error message

{http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/http/}binding’ found in SOAPBinding ‘{http://www.w3schools.com/webservices/}TempConvertHttpPost’

help me with is problem


Are you sure you want to create a provider wsd ?

Naveen – I guess you might be dong wrong. You are suppose to create the consumer using the existing WSDL URL. Can you cross check ?


hai all,

I think that WSD provider webservice sources like:

  1. Existing IS service
  2. WSDL url
  3. Centrasite
  4. UDDI registry

If you wanna create WSD consumer only three options get enabled:

  1. WSDL url
  2. Centrasite
  3. UDDI registry

here in WSD consumer Existing IS service get disabled.

so my point is we can create a webservice provider by using all these four options. but iam getting this error when creating WSD provider by using WSDL url.


Hi Naveen,

are you sure that you want to create a provider (means that you will be hosting the WebService to be called from outside your IS)?

I agree with Suresh and MR, that you most likely want to create a consumer for calling the WebService hosted by w3schools.



This is as per the design. Kindly check your WSDL file as Integration Server doesn’t support the http post/get binding even in latest version if the WSDL contains http get and post bindings. That’s the reason as a provider IS can’t create a provider WSD from this WSDL, but as a consumer if the IS finds at least one binding it supports, it creates consumer WSD and throws warning for each un-supported binding it encounters.

More questions?

hai mahesh,

Thanks for the response. Thats the answer that i actually want to hear. so we need to delete the http get and post methods from the WSDL file while we creating the WSD provider using the WSDL url.
Anyway i really appreciate your answer.


You already had the answer with you :roll: :roll: :lol:

Even if you try editing the wsdl file you will not be able to generate the provider WSD. If you want to know the functionality of creating the provider WSD from a wsdl file write a service and expose that as a consumer (wsdl). Use this wsdl for creating the provider WSD. Hope this works.

hai mahesh,

i got it. thanx for everything
