After the successful migration of wM IS from 8.0 to 8.2. While regenerating the provider descriptors, we are getting WS-I compliance error. and without WS-I compliance also our calling service is not ablt to receive the output parameters (only null). COuld you please help as soon as possible. Also if someone can help on the procedure to regenrate the provider descriptors. Thanks in advance.
WS-I compliance will not be an issue for WSD to be operational. For recreation, you can retain target namespace and generate the provider freshly. That should not cause any problems…
Adding to above, I have noticed the difference in WSDLs of 8.0 and 8.2.
In 8.2 WSDL SoapFault related information is not present at all.
Also there is a difference in the value of soap:address field tag. Please help. Thanks.
As you mentioned “soap:address” will be different depending on the endpoints and not a problem. Also you have mentioned “The response still goes as “null” for the output parameters”. Can you give more detail on this?If possible post the response you are receiving when you call WSDL hosted in IS.
Note: Its better if you test the WSDL of your provider using the soapUI like tools. Also make sure that your provider ACL’s are properly set.