Error while calling a webservice


I am facing some serious issues with webservice both while calling a webservice as well as while exposing a service . I am using webMethods 7.1.3

  1. While calling a webservice —

I have created consumer with the WSDL provided. I have given the input document generated by WSDL (with all valid values) as the Request docuemnt in “pub.client:soapclient” input. Correct User/pwd has been provided. Rest of the inputs are already defined in connector. Now while executing the service, i am getting error-
[ISS.0088.9135] A WMDocument Exception was thrown in the server, usually because an XML block was not well-formed

Instead of using the connector , If I call the webservice using pub.client:http or SoapUI, I am getting proper response. But I have to call ws through connector only.

  1. I have created a service in webMethods with defined input and output. Now to expose it, I have created a provider. Through the provider I could get the WSDL URL. To test my service, I have created a consumer using the sameWSDL URL. but the input/output document structure gets changed in the connector. I could see 2 more top level documents created above the document i had defined. Also a string list got changed to A document with a stringlist field. i have set the stateless property as true for the exposed webservice.

Now both the provider and consumer are not working. Need an early solution to this issue. Also I tried applying fix - but of no help.

Any help on this will be appreciated !!



From the error message, it seems that the input which is passed to the connector is inappropriate. While creating the connectors, the input/output structure defined in the service won’t change.

But as you specified its working from SoapUI/http call, check whether some mandatory parameters are missing. Compare the input structure that is passed to the service with Soap UI with that of connector. Try to check in Validate Input/Validate Output in the service that is exposed as a web service and test it again in soap UI.

- Ambrish -

Looks like this a access issue with connector?

Check these threads can be some clue:

Did you contact SAG tech support also 7.1.3 right?



To update further, as mentioned by RMG it is an access issue with connector. I found that siteminder policy is implemented at application end, so that call is not going through. is there a way to handle this ?

Thanks for the help so far !!

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