WmRoot installations stops IS

Hi All,

I was installing IS Flow and Core Fix and states in one of its step is that I should install inbound release of WmRoot. But whenever I tried to install it, the IS becomes unresponsive with this on the log:

[ISS.0028.0015I] WmRoot: Shutdown service(wm.server.net.http:shutdown)
[ISS.0028.0015I] WmRoot: Shutdown service(wm.server.net.ftp:shutdown)
[ISS.0028.0015I] WmRoot: Shutdown service(wm.server.net.email:shutdown)
[ISS.0028.0015I] WmRoot: Shutdown service (wm.server.tx:shutdown)
[ISC.0063.0013I] Shutdown
[ISS.0028.0015I] WmRoot: Shutdown service (wm.server.schedule:shutdown)
[ISS.0028.0015I] WmRoot: Shutdown service (wm.server.remote:shutdown)
[ISS.0028.0042I] Unloading WmRoot package

What might have been the cause of this error?
What can be done with this error?

Thanks in advance.

It surprises me that installing WmRoot via the package manager would be in the instructions for a fix. You may want to confirm the procedure with tech support.

Is this a debug fix or an official fix?


It’s an official fix. I was installing IS_7-1-2_Flow_Fix5, IS_7-1-2_Core_Fix13.

Thanks again.


In the installation guide, it says:
7. In Integration Server Administrator, in the “Packages”
area of the navigation panel, select “Management”.
8. Click “Install Inbound Releases”.
9. From the “Release file name” list, select “WmRoot_7-1-2_Flow_Fix5.zip”.

Thanks again.

AFAIK when you install any WmRoot_7-1-2_XXX package, it will first unload WmRoot and then load… that is expected.

It didn’t came back after shutdown?

Make sure you installed dependant fixes, but if you are upgrading, install latest fix which right now is Core_Fix16 (or even 17) :smiley:

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