may I know where can I find more information on embedded database? Want to configure it in IS.
Kind regards,
may I know where can I find more information on embedded database? Want to configure it in IS.
Kind regards,
Hi Raja,
While installing IS you choose Database: Embedded DB/External DB,: which IS will going to use to store it’s table
I don’t see any option where you can choose embedded DB after installation but you can choose/change to external DB after installation.
Details about Embedded DB can be found in Integration_Server_Administrators_Guide.
Kuldeep Gupta
Whenever possible, an external database should be choosen, as the embedded database is quite limited to a very minimum set of functions available for auditing and monitoring.
TradingNetworks, ProcessEngine, RulesEngine, TaskEngine and others will definitely require an external database setup.
@Kuldeep_Gupta2, please note that you can also switch to Embedded Database after installation. This option is available in IS’s Admin UI, wherein you can point ISInternal functional alias to Embedded Database.
Thanks Kalpesh, you are right!! I just noticed it is under create pool alias definition.
Just one question:- Can we create DB tables in Embedded DB using DB configurator or should we use it without tables with IS post installation?
Kuldeep Gupta
Kuldeep, Embedded DB is an internal database used by IS and it’s not meant for customization. You’ll have to use a supported RDBMS for your solutions.
Typically, Embedded DB is used in lightweight/sandbox IS installations used for prototyping (i.e., throwaway). I’ve also seen Enterprise Gateways with Embedded DB.
Yes, agree but question was to use embedded DB post IS installation. If yes from where we can get details to configure it.
Kuldeep Gupta
@Kuldeep_Gupta2 , IS will create required tables in Embedded Database automatically at startup. You don’t need to execute DBConfigurator explicitly. Once you configure IS to use Embedded Database, restart Integration Server and it will auto create or upgrade tables in embedded database.
Thanks Kalpesh for clarifying!!
Kuldeep Gupta
Ah, I see - I misinterpreted your question that you wanted to create custom tables. I now realize that you are referring to the product component tables, that Kalpesh has answered.
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