WM DB Adapter connections

I was change the server bladeo6 to nalnxapp041 (IS Server) apart in same time I was changed also SQL server path in WMDB adapter at the I was not restart the IS server but server log not update the in SQL server data base. (Server log and error logs)
Please tell me any changes in adapter side or need to restart the IS server.
Please do the needful.

WmDB > Alias Management > Edit
· Return to Alias Management
Edit Alias Information

DB Username

DB Password
Change password
DB Driver

Minimum Connections

Maximum Connections

Expiration Time (ms)

Loaded Drivers
webMethods Repository Version 2com.wm.dd.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDrivercom.informix.jdbc.IfxDrivercom.microsoft.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver

Once you updated WmDB configuraiton…it should take affect immediately…

If not try either restart IS or Reload WmDB package