Why is the Conditional Error Handling Pre processing IS flow service gets invoked when an error is raised and caught in Response Processing IS flow service?

SoftwareAG webMethods API Gateway 10.7

To process the target response and customized it, we are using the Response Processing policy to invoke the flow service on the IS powering the API Gateway. We are using the TRY-CATCH to catch any unforeseen exception in this flow service.

We see that when an exception is raised for some reason in this flow service, even though we are catching it within the catch block, still the Conditional Error Handling Pre Processing phase is invoked.

We fail to understand the below -

  1. Why the Conditional Error Handling Pre Processor is invoked?
  2. Why ONLY the Conditional Error Handling Pre Processor is invoked but NOT the Post Processor?

Response Processor in case of success from target -

Conditional Error Handling Pre Processor

Your suggestions please.

Question related to a free trial, or to a production (customer) instance?

@mofarhan Based on the provided tracer logs , I could see your response processing service is in failed states , Hence the conditional error policy is kicked in.

Verify if you are suppressing the status.code from your IS catch block and values are reflecting as expected .

In case of status.code is non success case conditional error handling will execute as per the product standard.

If I understand you correctly, you mean even if there is a catch block to handle the exception raised in Response processing flow service, the conditional error handling will be invoked nevertheless.

What do you mean by suppressing the status code in catch block? Please elaborate.

If conditional error handling is invoked, why only the pre processor is invoked but not the post processor.

  1. Why the Conditional Error Handling Pre Processor is invoked?
    Conditional error policy will start kick-in only in case of error [ Non Success case ].Based on the provided screen shot we could see your response processing policy flow service is having error which triggered conditional error policy.
  2. Why ONLY the Conditional Error Handling Pre Processor is invoked but NOT the Post Processor?
    kindly recheck the share the conditional error processing tracer logs. Provided does not cover the tracker logs of Error handling

You have to check 1st why your response processing service is failed.

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