Conditional error processing

Author: Narayanan, Lakshmanan

Supported Versions: 9.12 & above


API Gateway is capable of processing error message differently for different conditions.

Note: Error Processing in API Gateway means, based on a set of conditions construct or transform an error message that is to be sent to the client or allow the Native provider Fault response to be sent back as is.

API Gateway can construct error messages from predefined templates or transform the Native error with the help of XSLT Transformations or webMethods ESB services.

The illustration explains the flow detail.

Error Conditions

API Gateway can respond differently for different error conditions. An error condition can be:

  1. Status Code: This denotes the Status code with which the Native service replies. This should be a value between 4xx and 5xx.
  2. HTTP Header: This denotes any HTTP Header that the Native service has added to the response. The provider configures the name of the header and its value. This is an exact match to the header value.
  3. XPath Expression: The XPath Expression for the Native service response.The provider configures the XPath and namespaces and the Value that this XPath should match.

XPath for JSON
For REST services returning JSON responses, XPATH can be defined in two ways.
Let's consider a JSON response from the Native provider
  "author" : {
                     "name" : "JK Rowling"
The XPath for the name can be
//name="JK Rowling" (or) //authors/name="JK Rowling"

Note: Error Conditions within a policy follow the 'AND' operator and between policies follow the 'OR' operator.

Pre-processing Steps

Pre-processing refers to processing of native service error response in API Gateway.

There might be cases like:

  • Log exact error message sent by Native Service without any changes
  • Remove any critical information sent in response by Native Service but not be logged by API Gateway or shared to client.

This can be a XSLT Transformation file or a webMethods ESB service configured in this API Gateway instance.The service provider can configure multiple XSLT Transformations and webMethods ESB services and the order is exactly preserved at runtime.

If the webMethods IS Service does not exist on the Integration Server that hosts API Gateway, then the user cannot add the webMethods IS service to the API. Also, an error thrown by the ESB service stops processing other condition error processing policy and sends the native service error response.

A sample configuration is shown below.

The order of execution for the pre-processing steps is:

  • Execute mycompany:execute webMethods IS Service
  • Execute mycompany:log webMethods IS  Service
  • Exceute mycompany:logAgain webMethods IS Service
  • Transform native Error message using AnotherTransformation.xsl

XSLT Transformation Condition
XSLT transformation happens on the native service error message. Also the XSLT transformation happens only if native service sends the error message with Content-type as application/xml or application/json

Error Messages

API Gateway allows the provider to configure Templates that are sent to the client. These templates can be of XML or JSON or Text Type.

API Gateway at runtime decides what template to choose depending on the Accept header that the Client sends. The provider can configure a default error message that API Gateway needs to send if an Accept header is not received from the client.

XML Message Type:

       Denotes an XML Template and for requests with Accept: application/xml

JSON Message Type:

       Denotes an JSON Template and  for requests with Accept: application/json

Note that API Gateway DOES NOT validate the correctness of the XML and JSON error messages that are configured in the policy.

Text Message Type:

The Text Message type denotes what should be wrapped inside the 'Exception' element.
For an Accept Content type 'application/json' and <TEXT-MESSAGE THAT IS CONFIGURED> is the text message that is configured.
For an Accept Content type 'application/xml'
  <Exception>  <TEXT-MESSAGE THAT IS CONFIGURED> </Exception>

This can be either configured at policy level or Global level (Administration -> General -> service fault)

Consider the following snapshot with appropriate values configured in the policy at API Gateway.

For the above configuration,

Note the templates being replaced in the table

Accept Response Error Messag
application/json {
"error" : "Service encounted an Error. at Time  12:50:33, 23/04/2015"
application/xml <error>
  Service encountered an Error. at Time   12:50:33, 23/04/2015 for consumer MyConsumerApplication

Note that 'application/json' is always the default when the Accept header is not present. Also, since the Text
is marked as default this is what is returned.

 "Exception" : "Service encounted an Error. at Time12:50:33, 23/04/2015 for consumer $MyConsumerApplication"

There are several combinations of the above Error message configurations out of which some are discussed in the cheat sheet below.

Failure Message Cheat Sheet

Assume that error is thrown from Native service and Send Native provider Fault is not configured.

SNO XML Message Type configured


Message Type configured 


Message Type configured

Default Accept Header from client Response
1 XML application/xml XML Template with values replaced.
2 XML application/json JSON Template with values replaced.
3 XML Something other than
application/xml and application/json
XML Template with values replaced.
4 XML XML Template with values replaced.
5 JSON application/xml XML Template with values replaced.
6 JSON application/json JSON Template with values replaced.
7 JSON Something other than
application/xml and application/json
JSON Template with values replaced.
8 JSON JSON Template with values replaced.
9 Text application/xml XML Template with values replaced.
10 Text application/json JSON Template with values replaced.
11 Text Something other than
application/xml and application/json
say X
Default message that is configured
with values replaced in the content type
12 Text Default message that is configured
with values replaced in application/json.
13 API Gateway generated error
in application/json.
 Usually will be of the form
"{ "Exception" : "API-Gateway encountered an Error...."}
14 Text application/xml Default message that is configured with
values replaced in application/xml
15 Text application/json Default message that is configured with values
replaced in application/json
16 Text Default message that is configured with
values replaced in application/json
17 JSON application/xml API Gateway generated error
in application/xml.
 Usually will be of the form
<Exception>API-Gateway encountered an Error</Exception>
18 JSON JSON Template with values replaced.
19 application/xml API Gateway generated error
in application/xml.
 Usually is of the form
<Exception>API-Gateway encountered an Error</Exception>
20 application/json API Gateway generated error
in application/xml.
 Usually is of the form
<Exception>API-Gateway encountered an Error</Exception>
21 API Gateway generated error
in application/xml.
 Usually is of the form
<Exception>API-Gateway encountered an Error</Exception>

If Send Native provider error is configured either at the service level or at the Global configuration page then even if any of the Failure messages are configured they are not taken into account and neglected.

Custom Error Variables

No Variable Name What it does
1 $ERROR_MESSAGE  This can be any error including errors generated by API Gateway for policy violations.
2 $OPERATION Operation that is invoked.
3 $SERVICE Service that is invoked.
4 $TIME Time of invocation.
5 $DATE Date of invocation
6 $CLIENT_IP The client IP Address that is invoked
7 $USER The IS User
8 $CONSUMER_APPLICATION The API Gateway Consumer Application
9 $NATIVE_STATUS_CODE The HTTP Error status code that is returned by the Native service.

The service provider can go ahead and configure custom error variables using XPATH of either request or the response. These custom error variables and predefined variables are available for pre-processing and post-processing webMethods IS services.

The example below explains how to add custom error variable

Post-processing Steps

The post-processing of error messages is done after API Gateway has processed the error message.

This can be a XSLT Transformation file or a webMethods ESB service configured in this API Gateway instance.The service provider can configure multiple XSLT Transformations and webMethods ESB services and the order is exactly preserved at runtime.

If the webMethods IS Service does not exist on the Integration Server that hosts API Gateway, then the user cannot add the webMethods IS service to API.

Also an error thrown by the ESB service stops processing other condition error processing policy and sends the native service error response.

Sending Native provider Fault message:

This option enables to send the 'Native provider fault' back to the client without API Gateway changing them. If this is enabled only the Pre, Post processing steps are executed and the Native provider error is sent as is to the client.

This can either be configured at the global level at the Service Fault page in API Gateway or at the Policy level.

Deploying Sample

The Sample has a native service and an API Gateway API to handle Conditional Error Processing. Conditional Error Processing handles HTTP Status code 500 and 404. It also have webMthods IS service to demonstrate the invocation of it and handling custom error variable. Follow these steps to deploy the sample.

  1. Download the three zip files. 
  2. Import Employee to IS Server where the wmapigateway instance is running.
  3. import to IS server and add the compiled library for mycompany package. Add all the jars inside WmAPIGateway package and WS-stack\lib to this package. Then add WmAPIGateway package as a runtime dependency for this package.
  4. Import Employee REST Service to API Gateway and activate the service. 
    Note: Edit the native service host to map the employee management deployed host





Employee REST Service (5.86 KB) (1.15 MB) (11.4 KB)