Which documentation to start?

So since I have been assigned to Integration (EAI) in my company, can someone guide me on how should i start reading the documentation, and which pdf to start from, it will be a great help, thank you in advance.

Hi Kirtish,

ask your colleagues if they have a prepared installation image with which you can install your own copy of Designer.

From the Documentation section of teh community look for the “Working with Designer” Guide as well as the “Service Development Help” Guide as a first starting point.

Eventually you want to look for an adequate Beginner´s Training on learning.softwareag.com.


Thank you for your advice, I’ll check onto that.

@Kirtish Many beginner ask this question often. I recommend you to check the tutorials of the section webMethods Free Trial tutorials from this link: webMethods Integration Server Tutorials

It is a good starting point for you. After that you can walk through the documentation. The three component (Integration Server Administrator’s Guide, Service Development Help, Working with Designer) are very nice to have a good understanding of the platform.

As @Holger_von_Thomsen suggest, learning.softwareag.com is good ressource that can help you in your journey.

What I would also recommend is to learn about the conceptual side.

The reference for integration is the book “Enterprise Integration Patterns”, which has its own homepage. The homepage looks a bit dated, but the content is really great.