I am using native publish (publishing document using publis.publish service to UM) to UM. Can someone please let me know where should I place below nadmin and nclient jar files ? Is there any additional steps needs to perform after placing these jar file. I basically wants to us e nadmin java API to monitor count of published events.
Also please let me know from where I can get this jars.Can i get this from Empower ? To take this jar do we need any license OR any cost for this ?
Error is can not find symbol for com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nSessionAttributes
Any idea why I am getting this error.
Note: I have also restarted IS and UM server as well after placing the jars and these jars available on common/lib and UniversalMessaging/lib are identical and of the same version.
are doing local development or remote development?
When developing remotely this message can be ignored, as the libs are automtically included in servers classpath and will be resolved during remote compilation.
When doing local service development check the Problems tab in Service Development perspective and select “Quick Fix” for the entry related to the compilation issue.
After that choose the option to add the jar to the classpath of the IS Package Project, which contains this service.
The Libs should always be available in the proper locations when they have been selected during installation of Designer or the respective server.
You just need to tell the designer project to use them as they are not available to the designer project by default.