What is the use of Jq in Microservice Deployment

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Cumulocity IoT

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Free Trial

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I was using the microservice utility tool to deploy the microservices. There is a jq as a prerequisite in the documentation, and as per my knowledge jq is used for filtering JSON data. So does it do anything with the cumulocity.json file or is there anything else? Please let me know why the tool uses the jq internally and what is the main purpose of using jq in the deployment of the microservice.

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jq is used to extract information from the responses of Cumulocity IoT during deployment. You can see this in the source code of the script:

  • The application id is extracted from the response to check if deployment was successful
  • In case of an error response, it is used to extract the error message from the response
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Hi Harald,

So on the successful deployment, we get a JSON response as similar to the Cumulocity Microservice API right?


the utility uses the Cumulocity API to do the deployment, so it receives JSON responses. It then uses jq to parse them and as a user of the utility you will only receive human-readable responses.

Ohh okay, it’s much clear now. I am using a Free trial so I don’t have the response that it gives after a successful deployment, if possible can you show the response jq parse and all?

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