webservices provider issue in a clustered environment

We have a QA environment which has server two servers A & B, both are running on same cluster having same set of configuration and packages.

Server A and Server B has a same webservice provider package. After every server restart provider on Server A works fine where as provider on Server B doesnt work, when provider called from a external tool like Soap UI or application.


2019-07-11 16:19:39 CDT [ISS.0141.9998E] Exception → [ISS.0141.9208] Could not deploy the Web service descriptor ************:abcWS. Cause: [ISC.0081.9181] Cannot find document type ***** needed to generate WSDL

wsdl:http://serverA:99999/ws/*********************************************************************************************WS?WSDL Target namespace:http://serverA.*********************************************************************************************WS

Target namespace:http://serverA.*********************************************************************************************WS

May I know the root cause for this issue ?

You need to set the package dependency as your WSD might be referring to a document in another package. Check and let me know if you stil have issues.

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