Webservices and Xapplication - connection refused at deployS

X-Application Version: 4.1.1
Tamino Version :
Platform : Win2k
WebContainer : Tamcat 4.1.24
JDK Version : 1.3.1_08
Axis 1.1
Aditional comments:
I put de Axis jar files in the ClassPath
Correct Tomcat 4.1.24 to use xerces 2.1 like in http://tamino.forums.softwareag.com/viewtopic.php?p=13883
Xapplication generator and examples works fine
Apache is using port 8088
Tomcat is using port 8089

I was trying to install Xapplication Web Services. Everything runs fine up to the point to execute deployServices_Session.cmd.

I got the following error

…Deploying the BuyerInterestInProperty service…
Processing file C:\ParaTamino414\xapplicationWebservices_411\deploy\deploy_BuyerInterestInProperty_Session.wsdd
Exception:: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect
…Deploying the SellerInterestInProperty service…
Processing file C:\ParaTamino414\xapplicationWebservices_411\deploy\deploy_SellerInterestInProperty_Session.wsdd
Exception:: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect
…Deploying the SellerProperty service…
Processing file C:\ParaTamino414\xapplicationWebservices_411\deploy\deploy_SellerProperty_Session.wsdd
Exception:: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect
…Verify all services are there…
Exception:: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect


Can anyone help me?


Gerardo López
Montevideo Uruguay

Is your Tomcat up and running?

Best Regards,

Hi Christine!
Thank you for your interest.
Yes both Apache and Tomcat are up and running.


I just found the problem.
This is my Tomcat installation is not on 8080 default port. It is on the 8089 port. Then when I try to execute the deployServices_Session.cmd, don’t work because by default the Axis’s AdminClient works on port 8080.

In order to execute the deployServices_Session.cmd I do the following tasks:
1 - Edit the deployServices_Session.cmd file in a text editor.
2 - In each command line using AdminClient I added the parameter -p8089. This said to Axis’s adminclient to use this port.
It looks like this
java org.apache.axis.client.AdminClient %XAPPSERVICES_HOME%\deploy\deploy_BuyerInterestInProperty_Session.wsdd -p8089

echo …Deploying the SellerInterestInProperty service…
java org.apache.axis.client.AdminClient %XAPPSERVICES_HOME%\deploy\deploy_SellerInterestInProperty_Session.wsdd -p8089

echo …Deploying the SellerProperty service…
java org.apache.axis.client.AdminClient %XAPPSERVICES_HOME%\deploy\deploy_SellerProperty_Session.wsdd -p8089

echo …Verify all services are there…
java org.apache.axis.client.AdminClient list -p8089

Then, the deployServices_Session.cmd run without problems.

I hope this can help to others with the same problem, but there is another problem now and this is the simpleTest.cmd (and the others steps in this package i think)
It has got (I think) the same problem, but I couldn’t see a way to patch this without correct all the .java files of the classes provided in the examples etc etc. and my skill of java is not very good (like my english :slight_smile: )

Well this is all at this minute

Any ideas? May be anyone knows a place where i can especify my port of Tomcat?



The tutorial basically uses the port in 2 places:

Changing the first should be quite simple: Just change the port number in the simpleTest.cmd and aggregateTest.cmd.

The service end point is specified in the *Locator.java files in the package com.softwareag.xtools.xapplication.examples.webservices.clients.stubs. These files are generated via the WSDL2Java tool of axis. You can easily change the port there.

Another option would be:
The *Locator classes also have a second method via which you can specify the port. You could use this method of the *Locator classes from within the *Proxy classes. This means: You would for instance modify the file BuyerInterestInPropertyProxy.java in the following way:

BuyerInterestInPropertyServiceLocator service =
new BuyerInterestInPropertyServiceLocator();
port = service.getBuyerInterestInProperty(new java.net.URL(“http://localhost:8089/axis/services/BuyerInterestInProperty”));

Best Regards,