webMethods Service Designer Free Download FAQs

Important: The documentation applies to both webMethods Service Designer 11.1 and 10.15 with few specific changes exclusive to 11.1. Consider these distinctions while exploring the content.

Which components of webMethods Designer does webMethods Service Designer contain?

webMethods Service Designer contains the following components from webMethods Designer:

  1. Designer Service Development
  2. Designer Local Service Development (Local Version Control Integration)
  3. Designer Unit Test Framework
  4. Microservices Runtime
  5. JDBC Adapter
  6. webMethods CloudStreams Service Development (exclusive to 11.1)

You can download webMethods Service Designer Free here.

What are all the supported use cases with webMethods Service Designer?

Service Designer supports the following use cases:

  • webMethods Service Development
  • webMethods Microservices Runtime
  • Local Version Control Integration
  • webMethods Unit Test Framework
  • webMethods Adapter for JDBC
  • webMethods CloudStreams Service Development (exclusive to 11.1)

What is the archive size?

The size of the archive file is approximately 650 MB including JDK and approximately 600MB without JDK.

How can I get started?

See “webMethods Service Designer Documentation”.

Where can I get VCS related connector plug-ins for Local Service Development?

Currently, the Eclipse E-Git plug-in is bundled along with webMethods Service Designer. You can also install SVN/TFS connectors from the Eclipse Market Place.

My license has expired. What can I do?

You have two options: either download a newer version of webMethods Service Designer and continue your evaluation; or contact Software AG for further assistance.

Is there a way to replace the trial license with my purchased license?

Note: Applies to webMethods Service Designer 10.15 trial version only.

Yes, you can replace the trial license included with the webMethods Service Designer free download provided by tech community.

For the webMethods Microservices Runtime (Local Development Server) license, perform the following steps:

  1. Open the Integration Server Administrator.

  2. Go to Server > Licensing.

  3. Click Licensing Details.

  4. Click Edit Licensing Detail.
    The server displays the Edit Licensing Details page.

  5. In Integration Server License Key File, enter the pathname for the license key file you obtained from Software AG.

  6. Click Save Changes.
    Integration Server copies the contents of the license key file to Integration Server_directory \instances\instance_name\config\licenseKey.xml and updates the Integration Server License Key File field to reflect that name.

For the webMethods Unit Test Framework license, you can update the license directly in the Service Designer installation directory (the recommended method) or through Service Designer Preferences.

  • To update the license through the Service Designer installation directory, perform the following steps:
  1. Go to ‘ServiceDesigner_Home’\Designer\resources.
  2. Replace the existing file with your license file and ensure that your license file has the same name as the existing file.
  • To update the license through Service Designer Preferences, perform the following steps:
  1. In Designer, go to Window> Preferences> Software AG> webMethods TestSuite> License.
  2. In License file, select a valid license file from your local machine, and click Check License to validate the license.
  3. Click Apply and Close.

How do I get answers to my questions about webMethods Service Designer?

You can post your query (or feedback) to the forum webMethods Service Designer which is dedicated to webMethods Service Designer.

I am not able to install webMethods Service Designer on a 32-bit machine.

webMethods Service Designer is available only on 64-bit machines.

What should I do if Service Designer fails to launch on Linux with the “version GLIBC_2.28 not found” error?

The Service Designer launcher requires GLIBC 2.28 or later. Upgrade your OS to meet this requirement.

Linux distributions such as “Red Hat Enterprise 8” and “SUSE Linux enterprise server 15 SP3” provide GLIBC 2.28 or later. To check the GLIBC version in your OS, run the “ldd –version” or “rpm -q glibc” commands.

On which operating systems can I install webMethods Service Designer?

You can install webMethods Service Designer on Windows 64-bit operating system, Linux, and macOS. For more information on supported platform variants, see Supported Platforms.

1 Like

Hi Guys,
I Download Web Methods Service Designer 10.11 , When I stared Extract file I got this Error
Error:0x80010135 : Path too long , then I skip this Error and installed , finally I got this Error

Plug-in com.softwareag.is.ui.navigator was unable to load class com.softwareag.is.ui.navigator.NavigatorView.

Please guide me!


what is your installation directory (resp. its path length)?
You might want to check for a shorter path instead and try to install again.


Hi, i want to use Service Designer 10.15 with Cloudstreams, have you a documentation to install Cloudstream on Service Desginer 10.15 ?
I try with SofwareAGInstaller but i got an error at startup : ClassNotFoundException : DynamicVariablesCriticalException


I suggest instead to upgrade to Service Designer 11, which comes with CloudStreams already installed.

Hi, i see that Service Designer 11 comes with Cloudstreams.
However, all of our Test and Production instances are in 10.15 version, could there be a conflict between the versions?

While there is always the possibility of incompatibilities, I haven’t run into any issues after upgrading to the latest release. There are quite a few improvements around event streaming and security as well.
webmethods Product Suite Release Notes 11.1

Thank for your answers. Just to be clear, is it ok to develop on Service Designer 11 and, then, deploy on Integration Server 10.15?

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Generally, deploying from a higher version to a lower version is not supported.

Ok thanks. I couldn’t upgrade our whole infrastructure for now so i have to stay on Designer 10.15.