webMethods migration 6.1 to 8.2.2

We want the following to be migrated from 6.1 environment to the new 8.2.2 environment - IS, broker, SAP adpater

Query 1
Please suggest the way to go which of the below options are fine:
Option 1: “6.1 to 8.2.2” side by side
Option 2: “6.1 to 7.1.3” side by side and then “7.1.3 to 8.2.2” over-install
Option 3: “6.1 to 7.1.2” side by side, “7.1.2 to 7.1.3” over-install and then “7.1.3 to 8.2.2” over-install

Please feel free suggest a better option not listed above

Could you suggest when should I go for Over-install? What should I confirm so as to go for Over-install for any upgrades?

Query 2
Another question on “migration utility” vs “deployer”

I understand that the recommended way to go is via ‘migration utility’ but can I use Deployer for this migration?
Could you please suggest on - When should I use Deployer vs when to use Migration Utility?

Query 3

Could you please suggest if we can use the Deployer on 6.1 to migrate packages from 6.1 to 8.2.2 directly?

Query 4
If some of the services are found to be deprecated in later versions of webMethods. Does Migration utility fixes this or prompts us to correct this? I want to understand how would Migration Utility behave in this scenario.

Please provide your valuable inputs.

First of all migrating from 6.1 → 822 is a very very big jump.:frowning: lot of work:

But I would say better go this 2 or 3 option route, but of course this takes little more time than expected along with proper regression testing with out knowing what is your upgrade project deadlines are though:

Option 2: “6.1 to 7.1.3” side by side and then “7.1.3 to 8.2.2” over-install
Option 3: “6.1 to 7.1.2” side by side, “7.1.2 to 7.1.3” over-install and then “7.1.3 to 8.2.2” over-install

Query 2,3
Another question on “migration utility” vs “deployer”
You can use use deployer only for migrating custom packages (not wM public proprietary / Adapter packages) and migration utility helps migrating (data/runtime assets and TN DB)

Query 4
If some of the services are found to be deprecated in later versions of webMethods. Does Migration utility fixes this or prompts us to correct this? I want to understand how would Migration Utility behave in this scenario.

It only helps to some extent (not 100%) but either way you will also need to manually check/scan packages and replace the deprecated services if the code is not functioning properly.

Please check the upgrade documentation and check list that can help you moving forward.


Thanks RMG for your response and suggestions.

We are more inclined towards Option 3 which is as given below:

Option 3: “6.1 to 7.1.2” side by side, “7.1.2 to 7.1.3” over-install and then “7.1.3 to 8.2.2” over-install

Here v7.1.3 is an interim version which we want to move just to migrate everything to 8.2.2. But still do we need to purchase a license for 7.1.3?
We already have license for 7.1.2 but since we shall be using 7.1.3 just for migration so still do we need to purchage this license? Or is there an alternative?

Also on similar lines, if I have to move flows from v6.1 to v6.5 then do I have to purchase v6.5? This migration to v6.5 would be again as an interim before moving to later versions.

IF anyone has some clarity on this could you please share the details around purchase clauses?

Regarding licensing questions you need to talk with your local sales rep/account more on this and they can advise more on this upgrade path.Because licensing part is a whole different strategy with in the companies and to me you don’t need a separate license for 713.