webMethods metering need to disable


How we can disable webMethod Metering in test environment, as it’s contineusly doing pop up in every an hour and targetting to

Product: webMethod Integration Server 10.15.

Start dry run check with server url: Using temporary diagnostic cache file with path: ‘E:\SoftwareAG\IntegrationServer\instances\default\tempDiagnosticStorage\diagnosticCache.mlog’ Given license key has price unit: ‘MTR’ Found cache file ‘E:\SoftwareAG\common\metering\storage\c-1011231_r-1012230_00003453.mlog’ for given license key. Found valid header for given license key ‘{product=YAI, runtimeUId=-234532230, licenseSerialNumber=0000929203255, client=9876532}’ Error occured while creating diagnostic dry run request. Error message ‘metering.softwareag.cloud’ Dry run check finished with success: ‘false’ Metering Log.

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Hi @asgharjangda,

please check your license file. Metering is enabled by the same. Unit “MTR” for example.
This setting depends on your contract with SAG. For details please check with your account team.

Best regards,

You can reduce the metering interval to say 24 hours, but you should not disable metering.

Set the following environment variable:

You can also reduce the verbosity of logs using this environment variable:

For more information regarding configuration of the metering agent: https://documentation.softwareag.com/webmethods/wmsuites/wmsuite10-15/webhelp/wsi-webhelp/#page/wsi-webhelp%2Fre-mta_properties.html%23


Hi Stephane.TAILLAND_emp,

Thanks for your information, in case to disable for temporary purpose how it can disable it ?

Metering is imposed by the license you’re using.
You can reduce the metering frequency, you can send the data to a self hosted metering server if you want (in case you don’t want to send it directly to the cloud), but you should not bypass it.

Yes, i gone through the infrastructure guide for 10.15, but for lab purpose i would like to understand the procedure, if there is any way or it can’t be ?

You can not disable it, because you are also supposed to meter / charge for your TEST transactions.

Internet will not be there in TEST lab so that is cause.