webMethods ESB and Integration- Associating Access Control List with a User


In this article, you will learn how to associate Access Control Level with a custom user in Integration Server. Using Access Control List (ACL) for the service or any other resource Integration Server determines whether the client is to be granted access to the service. If the ACL indicates that the client is allowed to access the service, the server continues with the execution of the service.


Bring up your Integration Server.

Create Groups

1.Open the Integration Server Administrator if it is not already open.

2. In the Security menu of the Navigation panel, click User Management.

3. Click Add and Remove Groups and provide relevant information.

Click Create Groups.

Create User

1.Open the Integration Server Administrator if it is not already open.

2. In the Security menu of the Navigation panel, click User Management.

3. Click Add and Remove Users and provide relevant information.

Click Create Users.

Now add User to Group created above by selecting it and clicking on Left shift Arrow button.

Click on Save Changes.

Create ACL

1. Open the Integration Server Administrator if it is not already open.

2. In the Security menu of the Navigation panel, click ACL’s.

3. Click Add and Remove ACLs.

Click Create ACLs.

Then In ACL Membership select your ACL, Click on Add Button and select your group.

Click on Save changes. Now ACL is associate with a particular user via a Group.

Any script to do this automatically ?

Please take a look at the Administrator API at Integration Server Administrator API Operations
There are REST APIs to create user in a group and associate the group with an ACL.


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Thanks for the info. but the documentation doesn’t give expected JSON for post methods. Is it mentioned some where else

The requests and responses are described in a Swagger JSON document. Please check here -
the API for this is GET /admin/swagger/integrationServer