We are currently using webMethods 6.5. Until now we have only been on the receiving end of 850 documents. We are now trying to send 850s. When I test the mapping of a document, the PO102 segment (X12 4010 850) is converted from 20 to 2E1 (and 2 becomes 2E0, etc.).
In developer I took a look at WmEDIforTN:EDIFF:X12:V4010:T850 and noticed that the built-in flow service formatDecimal is being used (I assume this is AFTER my mapping, because when i trace it, it is not 2E1, but in TN Console it is).
Is there something I am doing wrong that is causing it to convert to scientific notation (I have trimmed the field before mapping it…I can’t think of anything else)
I tested the formatDecimal myself in a test flow service and it did NOT do this…Can I somehow change the parameters for this particular mapping I’m working on?
If I go to the Dictionary under WmEDIforTN:EDIFF:X12:V4010 (field definition 330) I can remove the formatDecimal. Will this affect any incoming 850 documents? Or is this only for outgoing documents?
Issue happens at ConvertToString that data is formated according to Schema
All you need to do keep the PO102 value that need to mapped till convertToValues step later Append this in EDI(it’s little tricky you have use lot of string function and it may give wrong results some time)
or Use FormatInfo Option to stop formatting services, I am not sure what is exact value that need to used, try to check in that way
OK…“NOT EDITABLE” didn’t seem to work :P…it just added the text “NOT EDITABLE” in front of the number in the PO102 segment…so I changed it to match the internalFormatString
Anyone have info on how this “internal”/“external” is handled (and whether my changes will affect incoming documents at all)?
I’ve tested a couple incoming documents…it SEEMS to work (it’s not affecting inbound documents, and outbound documents are left unmodified with the CORRECT PO102 value).