formatDecimal formatting service


I have one question.
the case:

If input to a particular filed is 1000.00, after processing I can see “1E3”

I looked into the EDI module home page and changed the formatting setting for “formatDecimal”. Now its working fine.

the problem:

It became a global change. So, other documents might e affected by this change.

is there any other opting, to chnage the formatting setting, so that i will get 1000.00 when i give 1000.00


If you dont want to be a global change then just remove formatService in the particular EDI FFDictionary/Field you will see formatService option(Generally formats functions apply for qty or amount related fields).So dont change the code in the formatService itself.

Note:You have to migrate the existing dictionary/schema changes to different environments QA,prod to sync.

Also you will find all the format related functions located in the packages/WmEDI/pub folder format.xml…



Also you will find all the format related functions located in the packages/WmEDI/pub folder format.xml

If I did this, it will also be a global change right, change in the WmEDI pckage.?


“If I did this, it will also be a global change right, change in the WmEDI pckage.?” --Yes sort of.

So you try change in that particular dictionary/schema only and take out the formatService,and make sure it is working as expected.


Having this be a global change probably isn’t an issue. I’ve yet to come across any partner that actually accepts this type of numeric notation even though it is supposedly the standard.

Thanks RM G and Rob.

I’ve yet to come across any partner that actually accepts this type of numeric notation even though it is supposedly the standard.**

Yes rob, It is a default setting I think. I installed webM on my local machine and observed the settings.



You probably find with your partner if the format is acceptable as per standard notation,or else change in the dictionary/schema and solve the problem.I prefer to change in the FF side and its the way to go for move on to next.


Yes, it is indeed the default. And in every implementation I’ve been involved with we’ve had to change that format setting because one or more partners could not handle it.