webMethods Container Updates 2022

We have updates on the container front!

Software AG Public Container Registry



We have a new official way to deliver the webMethods products as images. This mechanism allows existing Software AG customers to pull our products. Compared to Docker hub, where the images were designed only for preview, the images that our customers can get from our official public container registry are production ready and always updated with the latest fix levels. The images are delivered with the BYOL (bring your own license) policy, so customers would need to plug in their personal license keys to deploy to production.

Updated webMethods Container Guide

We updated the container guide that was published in 2020. See the updates here.

More products available in containers

  • A number of adapters required to run as microservices are now available to run in containers:
  • SAP Adapter
  • JDBC Adapter
  • IBM WebSphere MQ Adapter
  • Apache Kafka Adapter
  • BMC Remedy Adapter