webMethods API Management containers made hassle-free

Software AG has its own container registrycontainers.softwareag.com

Our way of delivering webMethods API Management products as container images have changed. Software AG Container Registry allows our existing customers to pull container images using their empower portal credentials. The portal will also be accessible to our Tech Community users very soon.

Our previous registry, hosted on DockerHub, featured only container images that were meant for trial and preview purposes. Our new registry also features production-ready container images that are up-to-date with the latest or near-latest fix levels.

These production-ready images are delivered with the BYOL (bring your own license) policy, you will need to use your own designated license keys while deploying to the production.

Name Purpose Description
webMethods API Gateway Minimal Production This container image just provides the policy enforcement engine, a.k.a., API Gateway server and the user interfaces. Typically, the best practices for production deployments recommend running the server components in a distributed fashion, so individual components can be scaled as required. Therefore, containers of this image have to be composed with Elasticsearch and Kibana instance(s).
webMethods API Gateway Trial This all-in-one container image provides the API Gateway server, UI, Elasticsearch and Kibana. This image is provisioned with a time-limited trial license.
webMethods Microgateway Production or Trial This container image is for the distributed microservice architectures, especially, the policy enforcement for the east-west API traffic. This image is provisioned with a time-limited trial license. However, your own license can be injected via read-only volume mapping.
webMethods Developer Portal Production or Trial This container image is for the consumer-facing Developer Portal for your APIs.This image is provisioned with a time-limited trial license. However, your own license can be injected via read-only volume mapping.

The above container images are supported by Software AG Global Support. However, hotfixes and patches will not be delivered via this container registry.

Get started with Software AG Container Registry.