Webmethods 7.1 & databases

Hi All,

I have installed webMethods 7.1 & set up Oracle Express Edition 10g (to use as the database). When I ran the database configurator to set up the DB component for MWS, I got an error message saying there is no suitable driver. Is it possible to make webMethods work with oracle express edition by placing the driver files into some directory?


You better go with Oracle10g R2 and it will work fine with smooth installation…


Hi rmg,

I have tried it with Oracle 11g but still getting the same error. This is the error message that the DB configurator is throwing:

  • Executing action
  • Action : create
  • Database : Oracle
  • Component : ALL
  • Component version : Latest
  • URL : jdbc:oracle:oci:@localhost:1521:ORCL
  • User : system

  • create Database Component: ComponentTracker CTR

  • Versions
  • Version: oracle 20 (7.0)
  • Scripts create
  •   Script(1): C:\webMethods71\common\db/scripts/oracle/componenttracker/20/create/ora_ctr_c_ddl.sql
  •   Script(2): C:\webMethods71\common\db/scripts/oracle/componenttracker/20/create/ora_ctr_c_ddl_view.sql
  •   Script(3): C:\webMethods71\common\db/scripts/oracle/componenttracker/migrate/10_to_20/ora_ctr_m_10_to_20.sql

  • Database Connection error: No suitable driver
    CDC ERROR No suitable driver
    Suspending execution…
    CDC Error: java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver

      Database component configurator summary

Date : Thu Aug 14 21:46:27 EST 2008
Database : Oracle
User : system
Action : create

Following components could not be installed:

ComponentTracker 20

I am using vista premium home. Would that be a problem or should i try 10g?


Yes try with 10g R2 on Vista Home/premium…I did the same thing and was installed successfully.

Also first the create dbusers (IS711,TN711,MWS711)/assign role/permission as DBA and required tablespace/Indexes etc…and then use dbconfigurator



I installed wM 7.1.2 and trying to run the DB scripts (dbConfiguratorUI.sh) for the first time and i see the below error:
Database Connection error: No suitable driver
CDC Error: java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver

DB is running on Sun OS , 5.8 release ans MWS 7.1.2 is installed on Sun OS, 5.10 release. Both are on different server’s

Can someone help me.

java.sql.SQLException:No suitable driver
the problem with url if you are using oracle express edition
the correct url is: jdbc.wm.oracle://localhost:1521;serviceName=XE

The problem is not only he uses as serviceName=ORCL instead of serviceName=XE

The problem is he uses jdbc.oracle.oci:// instead DataDirect URL.

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