Web Methods Integration with Oracle Financials

Hi Everyone!

I am new to webMethods Release 6.1 and Web Methods Oracle Application Server Release 3.0 is been used in my client place.

We are integrating webMethods with Oracle Financials. Everything is perfect Releases and Version etc…I have one quick question.

I am loading Bank Statements using Flat File provided by banks in Oracle Financials Cash Management. I know how to map the flatfile etc….which is fine.

As you know Web Methods provide Pre-Defined Transactions Services. The following are the few provided by Web Methods for importing Bank Transactions into Cash Management.

specifyDefaultSettings: Specifies the default parameter settings
required for service execution.
specifyConcprogParams: Specifies the default parameter required for
Concurrent program Execution.

biZDocMapping : maps the incoming business document
structure to the required Oracle
Applications data structures(Interface Tables)
getBankStatementImport_ERR: gets the data import error for the
specific bank.
setBankStatementTxn: inserts data into the interface table.

bankStatementBizDoc : document types

checkBankStatementImportStatus: After the data import execution, this
service checks the CE_STATEMENT_HEADERS_INT_ALL table to find
the errors related to data import for the corresponding bank

execBankStatementConcProg: invokes custom package and stored
to execute the concurrent program.
importBankStatement: imports bank statement to the production table
from the interface table.


Now I want to create the Flat file Schema and map to two interface tables and use the Standard Web Methods provided Utilities.
Can anyone help me in doing the sequence of steps required to import the Bank Statements into Oracle Financials Cash Management.

I am expert in Oracle Financials/Manufacturing Technical. I have done all the major Interface/Conversions in Oracle Financials/Manufacturing. I need help from Web Methods side like creating the Package, Creating the Folder, then creating the Flatfile Schema, mapping the flatfile to the 2 Cash Management Interface tables, what all services(Utilities) I have to use if I create the New Package……those sequence of steps….

Can I create one folders and keep these services under one folder … or do I have to follow the same sequence or hierarchy provided in Web Methods Developer tool.

Can anybody help me out in this?

Thanks in Advance,
Jagan Naik