Web Application Server: alfabet.config "scan_templates[...]"

Right at the end even in the example alfabet.config file one can find the following line:

<add key="scan_templates_for_malware_when_publishing" value="false" />

Interestingly the Alfabets Administration Tools built in XML editor shows an error for this line and I am not able to find any hint within the administration manuals or code comments.

There seems to be no impact on the server so far but still an error never announces something good :wink:

Alfabet version is 10.9

Hi Stefan,

the key=“scan_templates_for_malware_when_publishing” is refering to a new functionality not finally tested yet. I am sorry that it is appearing in the example alfabet.config file it should not have been there in the first place.

With regards to “Interestingly the Alfabets Administration Tools built in XML editor shows an error for this line”, can you please be more specific what XML editor you are talking about? Where exactly do I find it?

Best regards,

Dear Dominik,

okay, so I do not worry about it anymore.
The Tools menu within the Administrator does open the mentioned editor and choosing the AlfabetWebApplications path does open the alfabet.config.

I am creating and editing it via PowerShell that is why I did not stumble upon it in the first place.

Kind regards


Thank you, Stefan!

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