I am using Business Connector 4.6 and I don’t know why BC does not perform correct validation on my XML against an XSD schema I created. Attached please find a sample XSD that I created. I created a Record in BC, which I named myPO, based on the XSD and BC also automatically creates the schema named schema_myPO.
Sample XSD file
myPO.xsd (1.0 k)
Then I created a flow with the following sequence of commands:
1.) MAP
- I created a record reference to myPO and set the following values to the fields: orderDate = ‘2005-05-06’, shipTo/country = ‘US’, shipTo/name = ‘Someone’, shipTo/street = ‘street’, shipTo/city = ‘city’, shipTo/state = ‘state’ and zip = ‘1234’, fields in billTo = same as shipTo except that zip is set to ‘hello’ and comment = ‘my comment’.
2.) recordToDocument
- I mapped myPO to boundNode, generateRequiredTags is set to true and this outputs an xmldata
3.) stringToDocument
- I mapped xmldata to the xmldata service in parameter and this outputs a node
4.) validate
- I mapped the node to the object service in parameter, set conformsTo = <interface>.<subinterface>:schema_myPO, ignoreContent = false and set failIfInvalid to true.
When I run this service I am expecting an error to be raised by the validate service because billTo/zip is set to ‘hello’ when in the XSD it is defined as a decimal. However, it is not raising an error. Can somebody help me?
Thanks in advance for your help.