Validation using schema with imports

for a proof-of-concept (simple ebXML message handler with SOAP, ebXML and payload validation) we tried to validate an ebXML header document using the schema “msg-header-2_0.xsd”. This schema imports 4 other schemas. It seems that the Mediator Xalan implementation doesn’t resolve the imports - or there is something wrong with the validator step (I supplied the target NS and schema location). The zip file contains all file to reproduce the problem. Any idea?

I am using Mediator on WinXP with Tomcat/5.0.28 and j2sdk1.4.2_04

mja (9.18 KB)

Hi Jampac,

I have tried to reproduce your problem using the files you provided but I cannot make them work without modification. I am making an azssumption that the file “PersonelAndTravel…” is the intended payload, but this is not a valid XML document, as the “soap” namespace is not declared. When I correct this, I receive a validation error about “xml:lang” but nothing to indicate that there are any problems accessing the other imported schema.

Can you provide any more information about the specific error(s) you are seeing?

Best regards,

Hi Jampac,

You created a private copy of xml.xsd, but you did not also create a private copy of XMLSchema.dtd, which is used by xml.xsd, and a private copy of datatypes.dtd, which is used by XMLSchema.dtd. When I added copies of both those file to the same location as the others, the validation worked OK.

Best regards,