I am working on Integration Server 6.1… A few months back we had installed IS_6-1_SP1_Fix61,IS_6-1_SP1_Fix63… Can somebody tell me how should I remove these Fixes/Patches… I know if it is a Service Pack we can remove using Installer… But how should I remove individual fixes applied to webMethods components?
webMethods Closure Summary
It depends on the nature of the fix. There are generally two types of fixes: one where you need to place a (jar) file in the IntegrationServer\updates directory, the other where you need to extract a zip file over some existing files. If it is the first, all you need to do is to remove the update file and restart the server. If the second, then I am afraid that there is generally no way to cleanly uninstall the fix. You would typically need to do a reinstall of the original component.