I am facing some strange problem while creating flow service in the developer.
I am getting the following exception when I try to create any new flow service:
“com.wm.app.b2b.server.ServiceException :[ISS.0026.9103]Unable to write to flow.xml”
However,earlier I did not have that problem…the flow services which are already existing in my IS,are running fine-but I cant make any change and save on those existing flow services—getting the same exception!!
Do you hace the right permission? for example, is the physical directory writable? Or going into the Developer, are the ACL right? For the folder (select the folder, right click, open, and then check ACL) and for the flowS?
hi all,
I am facing same problem as above.i checked acl settings.there are no permissions.so now i gave permissions but that time also it shown u cannot give acl settings…now what will do
HACE you the correct permissions? For example, the physical directory writable? Or to the development, ACL, right?(Select the folder in the folder, right-click, open, and then check the ACL) and flowOutdoor Fun & Backyard Play Save up to 30%
With these, also please verify that you have 2 files, flow.tmpl and jcode.tmpl present in your dir /%webM IS%/lib .
I solved this issue recently. So please do check it out.